As for my supporters and I, we will announce our next decision very very shortly. Having seen the writing on the wall far far back, we received calls from several political parties to pursue the option of running under the banner of one of the more viable ones with a high quality Kalabari/Ogoni ticket so as not to deny the people of the state, the real choice they deserve. Wike and Dakuku, two Amaechi boys, are not a choice, they are a smart imposition and Rivers people should be given the real option to reject them. I have no reason to waste my valuable time appealing the primary, as the father of a gorilla is still a gorilla. PDP deserves Wike and I believe they should have him. If my judgement is right, Rivers people are more interested in the person, than the party. In 2015, they will show the world how fed up they are of the big political parties. My question is do I give them a different choice? What do I do? Since my mission is not for my benefit, let me ask those who I want to serve. Your wish is my command.
To run or not to run? That is the question.
After a close examination, here are the options before us:
1. Join the Labour Party, APGA or the PDM.
2. Accept the imposition and stay quiet in the party.
3. Quit politics altogether.
I have consulted my political associates and option 1 is their overwhelming favourite. They have even gone as far as mentioning the party I should join. But I am not just a politician, I am a mentor and an inspiration to many, so my consultations will have to go far far wider. I need to hear from friends, family and others as well. Besides it comes with huge financial and personal sacrifice. Not just from me, but from my supporters. I am ready if required, but are you?
Once again, let me remind all those who contributed financially to my politics, that if we go for option 3 and quit politics, all your contributions will be returned in full. I have not been given the opportunity of doing any real politicking yet, so I have not spent any money from the campaign account.
Once again, I thank you for all the prayers and words of encouragement. Do not despair. This outcome was inevitable. I saw it coming. But I still prefer to be here than where either Wike or Dakuku are. It is better to be on the right side of the wrong than on the wrong side of right.
God knows best. He works in very mysterious ways.
For the sake of our children